
Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Last night the Salem County Women’s Services (SCWS) celebrated their 30th anniversary at The Inn at Salem Country Club. The 100 guests enjoyed a cocktail party catered by Italian Kitchen and deserts prepared by the Culinary students of Salem County Vocational Technical School.

The perfect fall weather allowed for open folding doors and eating and drinking on the River Deck. The program included a short memorial ceremony with release of balloons, a raffle and keynote speaker Michael Gorman. He talked about Domestic Violence Awareness month and the fabulous work SCWS does in Salem County.

SCWS provides free, confidential support for adults and children who are in need of personal safety. SCWS does not only protect, but also assists with court preparation and counseling. Last but not least education is a big part of SCWS’s work. Your donations are welcome.

For more information about SCWS go to: www.salemcountywomensservices.org